Parents » Student Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Student Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Standard Arrival

Drop-off begins at 7:30 a.m. Children will proceed straight to their homerooms. Students will be marked as tardy if they arrive in their classrooms after 7:50 a.m.

Families with preschoolers (including older siblings)

    • If you have a preschooler in your car (even if you have older siblings as well), you will enter the school from the NORTH Bopp entrance and follow the RED ROUTE on the map.
    • Drive to the edge of the parish center. Once the line has stopped, faculty members will direct children to exit their vehicles.
    • Preschool children will enter at the side gym entrance (same entrance as at the start of the school year) as indicated by the RED STAR on the map. Older children will walk along the building and use the concession stand entrance as indicated by the GREEN STAR on the map.
    • Parents should not exit the line until released by faculty. Once dismissed, you will follow the PURPLE ROUTE around the parking lot and exit from the NORTH Bopp exit.
    • Please be aware that there may be parishioners arriving for 8:00 Mass at the north Bopp entrance who will pull into parking spots both alongside the gym and in the spots on the left.

Families with students in Grades K-8

    • If you have children in Grades K-8, you will continue to enter the school from the SOUTH Bopp entrance and follow the BLUE ROUTE on the map. This route is like before, but you will drive along the lane where children used to stand to wait to enter the building. This will allow more cars to queue up.
    • Once the line has stopped, faculty members will direct children to exit their vehicles. Children will walk along the building and use the concession stand entrance as indicated by the GREEN STAR on the map.
    • Parents should not exit the line until released by faculty. Once dismissed, you will follow the PURPLE ROUTE around the parking lot and exit from the NORTH Bopp exit.

Students who walk to school

    • Children who walk to school may still enter at the main school entrance. They may enter the building beginning at 7:30 and proceed to their classrooms.
Please be aware that there are students who ride bicycles to school who will be riding through the parking lot to reach the bike racks. As always, please drive slowly and watch for children as you drive through the parking lot. Your child's safety is our first priority.

Standard Dismissal